Friday, March 27, 2020

The Benefits of Online Tutoring Home School

The Benefits of Online Tutoring Home SchoolOnline tutoring home school may be a great way to study at home. Here are a few things you can do to help your studies.The first thing you should do is to locate a tutor you think you could learn well from. This can be done by asking friends and acquaintances for recommendations. You could also ask family and friends if they know of anyone who may be able to help.You may want to find out how much a tutor in an online tutoring home school can charge. In other words, how much will the tutor charge to teach you a specific subject? If you have never met with a tutor before you could ask some of your parents or other relatives. The next thing you need to do is to ask a couple of local tutors how much they charge.Make sure you inquire as to the teacher's experience, teaching background, expertise, and reputation in the field. If you don't really have someone you trust to teach you, make sure you consider a more traditional environment for learning . Ask around and ask any friends you might have for referrals. It is always good to ask other parents if you know of a tutor at home.There are many tutoring home school programs available. Some provide the tutor, while others may provide equipment, a school ID card, and information about the program, such as its location, state or country of origin, and state/province, etc. Other schools provide a mentor for the student.Home schooling is a wonderful way to learn. It is a great way to meet other students who enjoy the same subject you do. It is a wonderful opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day classroom and just learn and grow from the best teacher you know.No matter what type of program you are considering, you need to consider how much a tutor is going to cost. It is helpful to read the reviews, especially on online sites, to find out what other students are saying about a particular tutor. Check out how long the tutor has been teaching before signing up with that particular tutor. Find out about the results of the tutor and his or her curriculum.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Using the Science of Habits to Improve Performance in School Part I

Using the Science of Habits to Improve Performance in School Part I Improving Academic Performance We write a lot on this blog about how academic success (and other types of success) is much more a function of the choices you make and the effort you put in than a function of your intrinsic or genetic talents. In other words, most recent research suggests, and we firmly believe, that academic skills are built through practice and success comes through developing better strategies and making better choices. So where do habits fit in this story? A habit is essentially a tool that the human brain has developed to become more efficient. Instead of spending brain power to analyze a situation and make a conscious decision, habits kick in, and we act automatically. The mental processes that power our habits can be a force for good or evil. Habits can help us sense danger and flee automatically, exercise regularly, and eat better. But they can also explain why we abuse alcohol and fight with our spouses. In The Power of Habit, Why we Do What We Do in Life and Business, Charles Duhigg argues that habits might be far more important than any other factor in explaining our successes and our failures. And this of course includes academic success. Drawing from Duhigg’s book, in this two-part article we will: Introduce the “habit loop,” a framework for understanding how habits work Discuss how to change habits Discuss why habits are so important, as well as a key concept called the “keystone habit” Apply the theory of habits more directly to success in school The habit loop: a framework for understanding how habits work In Duhigg’s book, he explains that habits have four dimensions. To explain, he uses one very common habit that you probably have: brushing your teeth at night. The habit of brushing your teeth may have play out as follows: The cue: you feel your teeth have a bit of a film on them, or perhaps it’s just morning or night, around the time when you always brush your teeth The craving: when you notice that cue, you feel this intense craving for that particular tingling feeling which tells you your mouth is clean The routine: you brush your teeth The reward: your teeth are clean and shiny Most habits play out like this. You don’t analyze the pros and cons each morning and night of brushing your teeth. You just do it. It’s a habit. Other habits work this way too. Let’s envision a well-trained high school student in the habit of doing his homework. His habit loop might be: The cue: I’m home from school, and I’ve had a snack The craving: I want to be able to tell my mom I’m done with my homework AND feel that sense of accomplishment The routine: do your homework The reward: a sense of accomplishment and freedom to do whatever you choose for the rest of the night But let’s consider a bad habit many students have. Let’s say that whenever you are studying you have a habit of using social media or texting your friends, which is distracting and wastes time. This interrupts your studying, reduces your level of focus, and makes it harder to learn new things, finish your homework, and generally be productive. How do you go about changing a habit? There is more than one way to change a habit. James Clear, a blogger on productivity, offers a range of helpful ideas about how to change habits. But one thing is clear. It is incredibly difficult to remove a habit simply by exercising willpower. You’ll be far more successful by changing a habit. To do that, it’s generally accepted that you need to a) identify the cue and b) change the routine so that you can c) realize the same or a similar reward. Back to that habit of checking your phone when you are supposed to be studying. The solution might not be all that complicated or even interesting. Perhaps your cue is literally just seeing your phone or feeling it in your pocket. The routine is checking your various social media channels, driven by a craving to be socially connected and see what others are up to (and because you view homework as a little boring). The reward is connection with others on social media. There is a potentially very simple habit change that results in much better academic outcomes. As we said earlier, the key to changing habits is identifying the cue and changing the routine such that you still see the reward. In this case, what if you say to yourself, you know, when I feel my phone in my pocket, and begin to crave the social connectivity that Facebook provides, instead of immediately checking my various social media channels, I’m going to commit to doing whatever I am currently doing for 20 more minutes. At that point, I’ll take a break and check Facebook. You have now substituted 20 minutes of additional studying for checking Facebook right now. At the end, you get the same reward: the ability to check Facebook and feel connected. What are habits so important? And what is a keystone habit? If it’s not obvious already, habits are so important because so much of what people do is controlled by them. We may think we are in control as we go about our day. But in fact, our brains our filled with lots and lots of habits, and those habits are driving how we act. Taking a shower, brushing your teeth, exercising, eating healthy foods, not getting too upset when things go poorly at home or at work, being committed to finishing a project on time, etc. â€" these actions are all in large part a function of habits. To change your behavior and reach your goals, you typically have to spend a lot of time identifying and modifying habits. And, it turns out, according to the research the Duhigg cites in his book, that some habits are more powerful than others because they make it easier for other habits to take hold. Duhigg calls these “keystone habits.” In this blog post on keystone habits Sam Davies describes them as “the habits that change, remove, and re-shape your other habits. Duhigg suggests that exercising regularly tends to be a keystone habit. Once you are regularly exercising, you are more likely to stop smoking and start eating better. This seems intuitive. Once you are doing one good thing for your body, you have built up some momentum. It is good to exercise regularly but also eat well. The two habits complement themselves. In part two of this article, we’ll explore keystone habits in a bit more detail, and discuss a number of ways to improve performance in school by leveraging the power of habits.

The Perfectionists Guide to Improving Your Accent in a Foreign Language

The Perfectionists Guide to Improving Your Accent in a Foreign Language The Perfectionists Guide to Improving Your Accent in a Foreign Language Dont listen to the naysayers, the haters and the skeptics.Forget the Debbie Downers and Negative Nancys.You can sound exactly like a native speaker.Its possible for a language learner to be mistaken for a native.All it takes is practiceâ€"the right kind of practice.Of course, an accent isnt the end-all, be-all of foreign language learning.Grammar, vocabulary and communicative skills are arguably more important. You can be understood and respected while still having an accent.But theres nothing cooler than speaking with the tone, rhythm and pronunciation of a legit native speaker.Its guaranteed to impress natives and fellow learners alike. Why Improve Your Accent in a Foreign Language?Getting rid of your accent and sounding more like a native is the key to fully being understood.Theres a very social aspect to language that should not be ignored. While it may seem cool to know one or more foreign languages, the goal of language is communication. Sounding more like a native enables sm oother conversation, since the listener wont be straining to make sense of your words.Getting your accent to be not just intelligible but also  perfect  will put natives even more at ease, as they wont feel like theyre speaking with a foreigner as much. (Not that theres anything wrong with being foreign, but people might not be sure if you fully understand them or have anything in common with them.)An accent requires a deeper knowledge of not only the grammar and rules of the target language but also of the customs and culture. Theres a famous Czech proverb: “You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once.” Its no coincidence that this proverb exists. To speak like a native, you must step into the shoes of a native speaker.A deeper knowledge of the accent will help you understand natives better. Many language learners find themselves overwhelmed when they step out of the classroom and meet honest-to-goodness native speaker s for the first time. The language can sound so different when natives are speaking a mile a minute, dropping syllables and blurring words together. To get your own accent just right, youll have to study the way natives speak, which in turn will boost your comprehension, big time.At times, speaking a foreign language can feel more like a performance. In fact, thinking of it in this way helps you overcome your fears, shyness and self-imposed boundaries, which set you down the path to sounding more like a native speaker. Integrating artistic disciplines such as music and theater along with some basic language learning concepts can drastically improve the way you speak. Again, youll put yourself in the shoes of a native speaker. Play the role of someone who lives in the language. Then project that voice out into the world when youre speaking.In the end, language is more about communicating effectivelyâ€"practice is more important than the theory for all practical purposes.The Perfectio nists Guide to Improving Your Accent in a Foreign Language1. Listen, listen, listenThe most important skill you have to master in order to improve your accent is listening.Careful listening will help you get the language “in your ear.”It will help you to better distinguish all the phonemes, or distinct sound units, of a language, giving you an overall familiarity with the language.Before you can speak fluently in a foreign language, its important to be able to break it down into its distinct sounds. The first time you come into contact with a new language, a whole conversation may sound like one big run-on word. However, with time and with more exposure, youll start to hear syllables and words.Obviously, the most fruitful way to listen to a language is to be surrounded by it constantly while having little to no contact with your native language. This forces you to listen because your native language cant be used as a backup to get you out of a situation that you dont completely understand. Your brain goes into survival mode and youll be compelled to use that language to buy food, locate the bathroom and get back to your house or hotel.Realistically, not everyone has the luxury of living abroad and being fully immersed in their target language, but thats no longer a deterrent. YouTube, language learning podcasts and internet radio are great resources to utilize. Before you know it, youll be listening to your target language every day.Never let the room be silent. When youre working, exercising, showering, cooking, washing the dishes, you name itâ€"have something playing in your target language.  Its always a great idea to listen to one of these resources while doing menial tasks around the house such as cleaning or cooking. The foreign language becomes the background noise that youll slowly grow accustomed to.2. Teach your mouth and tongue the right movesOnce youre able to distinguish the basic phonemes of your target language, its advisable to immediately start learning the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Any dictionary for any languageThis is a systematic method of phonetic notation that makes reading foreign words much easier because every sound has its own character. This can be learned through IPA charts and apps. The IPA Phonetics app is very beneficial because it allows you to hear the sound of each letter and it shows you a close-up video of the mouth and lipsâ€"not only can you hear the sound, but you can see how the sound is made. Both of these are very important to getting the correct accent.Aside from listening and watching this app, its helpful to practice these letters on your own in front of a mirror. Are your mouth and lips making the same movements as the app? How are these movements different from those in your native language? Becoming conscious of these can help you distinguish your native accent from the foreign accent, making it easier to pick up the new foreign accent.3. Do a sound checkOnce you get down the basic mouth and lip movements, its time to focus on pronunciation as a whole. This means putting all the individual sounds you learned with the IPA together. Its advisable to practice words and phoneme combinations that differ from the combinations in your native language. However, this is not enoughâ€"you have to focus on articulation and the tone of voice.Getting the  vowel sounds down pat is key to any authentic-sounding accent. Most constants are the same or at least very similar across languages, but vowels are tricky. Practicing getting vowel sounds correct greatly improves your accent. Listening to vowel sounds in your native language and comparing them to your target language is a surefire way to distinguish your native accent to that of your target language.As silly as it may sound,  tongue twisters immensely improve your accent because they focus on a certain phoneme thats said in various words across a sentence. Tongue twisters are tricky to say correctly in your own native language, so practicing them in your target language helps you learn and get used to these difficult sounds.Reading out loud and recording yourself helps you track your progress. This exercise is twofold. You practice both speaking and critical listening. There are many foreign-language and dual-language books which are excellent sources for practicing. Some of these books are also sold as audiobooks so you can listen to the audio version and compare it to your own practice recording.Another interesting fact is that accents are closely connected to the culture. Trying to get into the mindset of the culture does wonders for your accent.For example, have you ever noticed that a Midwestern American accent sounds rather flat, much like the flatlands that surround them?Have you ever noticed that the Russian accent is in the back of the throat, as if its too cold to let the words out so they stay warm back there?Did you ever notice that the romantic French language seems to speak w ith the lips always ready for a kiss?Noticing these little nuances and applying them to your language learning helps bring your language to life and improve your accent when speaking.4. Make a sweet playlistAfter getting down pronunciation, youll notice that every language has its own melody. The words are spoken in a certain rhythm with emphasis and stresses in places much different than those in your own native tongue. Building up a music library gives you access to music that brings this out. Not only will it help you learn new words and sentence structures, it loosens you up, making it easier for you to achieve the accent of your target language.Singing songs in your target language in your favorite genre is a great way to start. The basic rhythm of these songs will be somewhat familiar to you. If its music you already love, then youll identify with it right away. This creates an emotional connection and makes accent practice much more enjoyable and memorable. Youll probably be mumbling the lyrics to yourself next time youre wheeling your shopping cart through the grocery store.Singing along with a song also helps you imitate the sounds being sung. Once youre more advanced, rapping is an incredible way to practice improving your accent. Like tongue twisters, rap tends to be fast and with all the rhyming it can be a challenge to learnâ€"but it provides immense benefits.When singing its important to be emotionally presentâ€"feel the rhythm and become part of the song. Focus not only on the music of the song but on the music of the language. Singing helps you exaggerate this, which improves your accent.5. Act out the role of a lifetimeLastly, every language has its own mentality.This mentality forms the culture which affects the language. So, why not become an actor?Act out the language! Embrace the emotions that are shown or not shown. Language isnt just wordsâ€"gestures, expressions and body language play a huge part in unspoken communication. Embracing the se help you to break free of your own native language and culture, allowing you to enter into the world of your target language. This is the only way to truly speak like a native.Practicing reverse mimicry is an acting technique that helps improve your accent. This is when you speak your native language in the accent of your target language. With this, youre practicing the accent without any of the worrying that may come along with speaking in your target language. The accent is much easier to achieve in this manner. Once you realize that youve got the accent down while speaking in your native language, its an easy transition to use it when actually speaking in your target language.Dont forget, speaking a language is a means of interacting more effectively with native speakers.The less you sound like a foreigner, the more easily youll be understood.On a more personal level, achieving a foreign accent helps you sound more confident and fluent, thus making it easier for people to enga ge in conversation with you.Despite this, you should never be ashamed of where you are in learning a foreign language.Even if youre a complete beginner and are worrying about your rough accent, get out there and try your best!Start practicing a foreign accent at the beginning of your language learning journey.You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! And One More ThingUnlike many traditional language programs, FluentU exposes you to a wide variety of speakers, accents and dialects in your target languageâ€"all of which can only improve your own speaking skills and confidence. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, de finition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Juggle Multiple Internships

How to Juggle Multiple Internships Image via Pixabay For many college students today, a very important part of the education process is completing an internship. Law, medical, engineering, and social science students are often required to complete an internship before graduation. It is a way to gain work experience, sometimes with pay and sometimes without pay, and to get a practical feel for what one is being educated to do long term. Nowadays, an increasing number of employers are looking for candidates who have a reasonably wide range of experience and a varied set of skills. Technology continues to move at an exceptionally fast pace and employers are looking for employees who can adapt to change quickly, keeping their company on the cutting edge. In short, the more experience, the better. Getting multiple jobs offers is a good thing. You send in a resume to the companies you’ve chosen as a good fit for you and you wait for them to respond. Soon you get one good response, and then another, and then perhaps another. Suddenly, you move from having your fingers crossed so tightly theyre numb to almost not knowing whether to accept them all or politely decline a few. Well, here is where some tips might help in making the decision to take on multiple internships or whether you are better off sticking with just one. The Experience Who doesn’t need more experience to stay relevant and marketable? College career departments and the media do their fair share of pushing the message that more experience is always better. It is not only better but also a necessity. You cannot go wrong with multiple skill sets and backgrounds. When I was a college student and even before then, I was able to gain experience in a host of different things: writing, editing, proofreading, human resources, publishing, marketing, sales, customer service, payroll, management, operations, broadcasting, tutoring, daycare, media development, and social media management. You can imagine what this makes me: more marketable and employable. Every skill you can gain is something to add to your resume. And while you may not use every skill right out of college, you will at least have it for when the time comes. The Networking Here’s the deal, every internship opportunity comes with two things: the space to meet new people and the chance to build relationships. It’s that simple. The old adage “it’s not what you know but who you know” is still true to some degree. During my college years, I lacked the opportunity to build any real relationships. Luckily, my skill set and experience helped to compensate for some of this loss. If you are a good intern, the relationships you build at your internship site can go with you throughout your life. Over time, you get to know other people and you build trust and rapport. Supervisors feel more confident writing up a recommendation for you. Co-workers are more willing to help you advance in your career. The Quality Every organization you agree to work for deserves your best. Let’s be honest: if you have one paid internship and one unpaid internship, you are most likely to give more time and attention to the paid internship because you are receiving something in return for your labor. In the same way, if one internship offers you 20+ hours a week and another internship only offers you 10+ hours, you will receive the opportunity to work on more projects, develop stronger relationships, and feel more like part of the team in the former than in the latter. The same argument is often made about multi-tasking and double majors. As a double major in college, I’m a little biased to this opinion but I agree that no two things can absolutely receive equal time and attention. You will end up devoting more time to one or the other. Choose wisely. The Balancing Act Just think about it a full course load, extracurricular activities, church and/or charity work, family obligations, and more than one internship it’s quite the balancing act. Given that we’re not as superhuman or powerful as we would like to be, it is logical to think that at some point or another, something is likely to suffer or we’ll slack up on one thing simply because we don’t have enough time to do it all. Consider how much you can juggle before committing to more than one internship. If procrastination, a bad work ethic, and a lack of time management describe  you, then it can lead to major trouble down the road. And you do not want this to happen. Internships help to open the door for you to gain permanent employment and make you more marketable when sitting for those interviews. The Passion Passion can take you farther than talent ever will. It is easy to get caught up in what we think we should do, what someone else has told us we should do, what someone else is doing, and what we actually want to do. This is a trap that everyone faces and many people get stuck in. Instead of choosing internships based upon their level of cool or because a friend is doing the same thing or because it “looks like fun, pick something that you will truly enjoy. People who truly enjoy their work find themselves eager to do it. It doesn’t matter what part it is, they are excited to do it. The thing you would do even if you did not get paid is probably your passion in life. On top of that, you will do a better job if you love what you’re doing.

11 Ways to Honor a Veteran

11 Ways to Honor a Veteran Veterans Day is coming, an annual opportunity for communities and families to honor former U.S. service members! If you want to thank our soldiers and veterans for their service you can do it in different ways. Here are just a small list of what you can do to honor people who have served and protected our country: -Say thank you! It’s such a small and,  lets admit, simple gesture that takes just a moment, but soldiers really do appreciate it. -If you are a teacher get children involved in the day. You can ask them to make thank you posters and put them up around town. -Publish a post on Facebook  thanking our veterans. -Wear red, white and blue today to support our soldiers and veterans. -Buy some groceries or bake some sugar free cookies and bring them to a veterans home. -Lay flags and flowers on the graves of veterans to give honor to the dead. -Visit a local retirement home and have a chat with some aged veterans who will love to share their stories with you (I cannot listen to them without tears filling my eyes). -If you have a business, offer a special Veteran’s Day discount. -Take a veteran for lunch or pay for his meal if you saw him at a restaurant. -When you spot a soldier, just give him a wink, smile, or thumbs up. Let him you highly appreciate their sacrifice. -Remember to honor American heroes all year long- not just on Veterans Day! Do you want to know more about Veterans day and history of the US ask our history tutors. They are experts in their field and will help students prepare for their next history class, test or assignment. God Bless you all God Bless America!

City of Angels (and autos)

City of Angels (and autos) My boss suggested I post a little info piece on the city of Los Angeles, since it has been my home for many years now. And boy when I say many years, I truly mean many. When I look at Los Angeles now, I see a city I hardly recognize any more. When sitting   in the insane traffic gridlocks, so common here now, I gaze at new houses replacing   older ones. I see a nice classic ranch house for a family off four torn down and in its place is a two story square block of nondescript ugliness, with almost no front yard and absolutely no back yard because it’s all about square footage now. I currently live a few miles from the ocean, but it is a very nice neighborhood on the   West-side. One of our neighbors across the street sold their nice little three bedroom   stylish corner home and the new owners came in with bulldozers and mowed it down. How   sad. The sadness is because they replaced it with what many of us now term a “mini mansion”. Yea, that’s right, another of those big square maximum square footage deals. Well, there goes the neighborhood. I ran into the new owners as their home was having   the final little details completed. It turns out they are an older couple looking to settle in to their new digs on the West-side. Just out of curiosity (alright I’m nosy)   I asked how many bedrooms their home has, and I still cannot figure out what a senior   citizen retired couple would do with a five bedroom house. I guess I’d figure out something if it was mine. On another note, Los Angeles has always been known as a city for larger than life   entertainment. Hollywood has the movie studio lots where anything you can dream can   now be put on the big screen. Night club scenes are huge here too. Even some of the largest internet start-ups are here, they are especially attracted to the Venice Beach part of L.A. Man growing up down there I remember us kids took pride in the fact that   outsiders never came down there at night. Boy has that changed. Professional sports teams are also an enormous part of the L.A. life style. The Lakers, Dodgers, Kings, and   yes even the Galaxy to name a few of the biggest drawers of fans and money. Aside from living in a place where you can swim in the ocean in the morning, snow ski   in the afternoon and then spend the night under the stars in the desert, this city offers the nearly four million resident’s and guests an enormous possibility of educational opportunities. All within the city limits, we have the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), California State University Northridge (CSUN), and   California State University Los Angeles (CSULA), and that’s just the state universities.  As far as the private institutes go, I count well over 20 very prestigious institutes   including the University of Southern California (USC) and Loyola Marymount University (LMU) and the list is too long to cover in this blog. Suffice it to say, whether one was interested in Medical, Legal, Psychological, or Film, or you name it, the prospects are tremendous here. Not that these types of educational paths are easy, they are not. However Los Angeles also has an enormous resource of private tutors throughout the city including the nation wide Not to mention the temperature is almost always 75 degrees   Fahrenheit all the time (I had to throw that in). So when Los Angeles was founded back in 1871, there were 14 families that totaled the   population at 44 people and the town was originally named “El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora   la Reina de Los Angeles de la Porciula”. Translating original name into English would   be; “Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angeles of the Small Portion”.   The Population grew, but the name shrank. Unfortunately so did the traffic. Arrrgg!

Learning With the Organic Chemistry Tutor

Learning With the Organic Chemistry TutorThe Organic Chemistry Tutor is the right choice for those students who are in need of refresher courses, but at the same time want to be more involved with their learning. It allows the student to choose what the content will be and to download a curriculum that they can use in both the classroom and online studies. This is a great option if you are interested in pursuing the job you have always wanted to, while still getting the required skills you need to get ahead in your job.The Organic Chemistry Tutor makes it easy for the student to become familiar with various materials, methods, and concepts. These lessons can include different types of chemistry including nuclear biology, organic chemistry, and many others. Students are able to download these lessons from the internet for use in their personal use as well as to be taken to school to take their final exams. For example, you can download the Organic Chemistry Flash Cards course to give to your classroom, which can be used on your own as well as to teach your child how to study in the future.The Organic Chemistry Tutor also makes it easy for the student to learn in an interactive format so that they can increase their knowledge and enhance their learning skills. There are also interactive quizzes, practice exams, and lab activities that will help to hone the students' skills.It's important that the student isn't put off by the fact that they have to pay for these lessons. The cost of the study materials can vary according to which company you are purchasing them from. Also, the cost will differ depending on the features that are included in the purchase.One of the most important things to remember when you are choosing a company to buy from is the license. If you choose one that doesn't have a license, then you are not able to take the lessons to your school and take your exams. You will find that the more famous the company is, the more likely they are to have a l icense and therefore to be able to provide you with lessons and resources that you need.The Organic Chemistry Tutor offers all the latest and greatest materials on the market. They use a state of the art computer system which means that all lessons are available and ready to be downloaded. The material includes the latest topics such as Molecular Structure, Molecular Clusters, Solubility Theory, Photosynthesis, Photo-Hybridization, Nitrogen-Oxide and more.If you are looking for ways to ensure that you can improve your career or are looking to take your career to a higher level, you should consider using the Organic Chemistry Tutor. All the materials are from reputable, trusted companies, and you are able to download the material at no cost. The lesson is available for your personal use as well as for the use of your children.